Hajovna - Cultural touring center

At the beginning of 2017, the civic association “Nad Tym- Cervena Studna, o.z” acquired former lodge building “Hajovna”, with its nearby estate, into long-term lease from the town Basnka Stiavnica.

Since 2019, the lodge has been established as “Hajovna” cultural touring center. The center “Cervena Studna” is found on the outskirts of historic town, in the both transportation junction and tourist paths. Beforehand, the lodge with its estate had been abandoned and extremely run-down. After 1,5 years, the attempts to cultivate and reclaim the former lodge had been successful. In 2018, the team put into service info- buffet; public toilets; stage; swings; fire pit; shelter hut for tourists. We provided and set up first gigs, workshops, exhibits and shows. 2019 season was critical for us, hence, we were able to put the center into service after longstanding efforts. Besides having been opened daily, we were able to provide and set up further exhibition and shows. The area has been cultivated by optical and architectural designs from Wo|V|eN and HAUS. We revive the area with frequent gigs, theatre performances, workshops and lectures. Beyond these, we have also been fixing up the estate and the building itself, including roof, windows, changing of interior, new electric system, bar, kitchen, toilets, and much more. The area was also used during the Slovak capital of culture programme in 2019. We were a part in the cultural events of the town as well as favourite place to relax for tourists and locals, to whom we have provided a place to rest but also a place to find any useful information.


Contact: nadtym.oz(at)

 Foto: Ján Viazanička