Who can become a member or a friend of Antena network?

For a REGULAR MEMBER you have to be a legal entity (an organisation), that operates in the field of independent culture and meets the following criteria:

- it has not been founded with the purpose of earning profit and the core activity is of a non-for-profit character

- it operates throughout the whole year (continually), not organizing only special events

- it´s running it´s activities in a venue, with these activities being primarily related to independent culture

- it´s an entity running on professional basis

- it has been founded as a civic initiative, not established by the organs of State Administration or the Municipality

- it has a history of at least 3 years of continuous activity at the time of application.


You can join Antena as a Friend if you meet the following criteria:

- you´re an entity running on professional basis

- your core activity is not-for-profit

Why should I become a member?


Meetings are taking place twice a year always in different parts of Slovakia. The goal of the meetings are: sharing the information and news of members, debates about recent development on the field of cultural policies of Slovakia, adressing problems of centers, professional trainings and workshops on different topics (according to the needs of members), informal networking and therapy activities.


In Antena you can find help and assistance in case you experience any trouble with your activities. If your centre goes through a complicated period, members of Antena can help you find the solution. It is highly probable, that other members have also faced same problems in the past. „Older“ and more experienced cultural centres have know-how, which they can share with „younger“ and less experienced members.


Commonly known, it is always easier to be heard and recognized if working in a group. Especially when it comes to defending the interests of Antena members, or commenting on where the culutral sector of Slovakia is heading. Debates, drafting expert public statements, commenting on public documents concerning culture, are some of ways through which Antena intents to raise the awarness of the important role that independent culture plays  in shaping the future of Slovakia. Antena network is becoming more and more recognized, which proves the election of Viera Dubačova (representing Antena) as a member of the Cultural Council of Slovakia, or inviting Antena to join expert consultancy meetings (Slovak Art Fund).


Antena uses three different channels to promote their activities – web page, facebook, monthly newsletter. Soon we will start to communicate also through twitter, which is important communication tool with our foreign partners.

Since 2017 we are planning to start publishing our annual brochure, which will not only serve for the presentation of the network, but also as a research material on the impacts and spillovers of cultural centers in their region.


Last few years, Antena has been running its own projects – such as School of Light design, which allowed all the technicians of the member centers to broader their knowledge about light design and Antena WORKS! which are focused on different topics of management of cultural organisations. We would like to continue with common projects, so that all the member centers could benefit from them. Further information in the section PROJECTS.


Networking (or creating networks/relationships) is novadays one of the most important layers of success while „running a business“ in whichever field. In a cultural environment, it not only means finfing future partners, cooperators on projects, interesting ideas on meetings, but especially new friends who have at least two things in common with you – they work (or intent to work) in the field of independent culture, and the do it in Slovakia.

Memebers of Antena also network on the European level, through Trans Europe Halles network, as its associate. Members of Antena, who are not members of Trans Europe Halles, can attend TEH meetings through Antena and participate on workshops, seminars on interesting topics, get to know European cultural enterpreneurs, artists, activists and make possible partnerships, cooperations or residencies.